AJOVER-DARNEL stimulates a recycling culture by constantly working with customers and companies to recover the greatest amount of recyclable material, and making consumers aware of the correct way to dispose of their products, ensuring the proper completion of their life cycle.

Through these initiatives we have:

• Recovered more than 630 billion PET bottles, which have been reused as raw material for the middle layer of Darnel PET containers.
• Recovered the equivalent of 1.5 million expanded polystyrene plates that have been reused as raw material for the production of school supplies, cleaning supplies, and plastic structures, among other applications.

If you are interested in learning more about the environmental initiatives promoted by Darnel, click on the following link:


AJOVER – DARNEL busca impulsionar a cultura de reciclagem trabalhando constantemente com clientes e empresas para recuperar a maior quantidade de material possível, ao mesmo tempo ensina.

AJOVER-DARNEL busca impulsionar a cultura de reciclagem trabalhando constantemente com clientes e empresas para recuperar todo o material possívelenquanto ao mesmo tempo ensina aos consumidores a maneira correta de descartar seus produtosgarantindo que eles possam realizar seu ciclo de vida completo. 

Através dessas iniciativas, conseguimos: 

Recuperar mais de 630 milhões de garragas de PET que foram utilizadas como materia-prima para a preparação da camada intermediária de embalagens PET Darnel. 
Recuperar o equivalente a 1.500.000 pratos de poliestireno expandido que foram utilizados como materia-prima para a produção de suprimentos escolares, utensilios de limpeza e estruturas plásticas, entre outras aplicações.

Se está interessado em conhecer mais sobre as iniciativas ambientais promovidas pela Darnel, clique no seguinte link: LINK A DARNEL AMBIENTAL.


AJOVER-DARNEL busca impulsar la cultura de reciclaje trabajando constantemente con clientes y empresas para recuperar la mayor cantidad de material posible, al mismo tiempo que enseña permanentemente a los consumidores la manera correcta de desechar sus productos, asegurando que éstos puedan cumplir su ciclo de vida completo.

AJOVER-DARNEL busca impulsar la cultura de reciclaje trabajando constantemente con clientes y empresas para recuperar la mayor cantidad de material posible, al mismo tiempo que enseña permanentemente a los consumidores la manera correcta de desechar sus productos, asegurando que éstos puedan cumplir su ciclo de vida completo.

Mediante estas iniciativas hemos logrado:

• Recuperar más de 630.000 millones de botellas de PET las cuales se han utilizado como materia prima para la elaboración de la capa intermedia de los empaques PET de Darnel.
• Recuperar el equivalente a 1.500.000 de platos de poliestireno expandido que han sido utilizados como materia prima para la producción de útiles escolares, utensilios de aseo y estructuras de plástico, entre otras aplicaciones.

Si está interesado en conocer más acerca de las iniciativas ambientales impulsadas por Darnel, haga click en el siguiente enlace: LINK A DARNEL AMBIENTAL.


AJOVER-DARNEL shows its commitment to sustainable development by producing and implementing technologies that protect the environment. Our internal standards exceed the minimum legal requirements of the countries where our plants are located and we always seek to optimize the use of energy and natural resources in our products.

Thanks to this philosophy, we have been able to reduce our carbon footprint by:

• Developing products with 100% recyclable materials.
• Implementing technologies that allow us to make savings in energy consumption of close to 80% in the past few years.
• Maintaining the environment surrounding our facilities by planting thousands of mangroves and trees around our production plants.
• Protecting water through technologies that allow us to manage industrial waste and sewage water appropriately, based on water re-circulation and recycling processes in our plants.
• Protecting the air by having certified chlorofluorocarbon-free foam products, as stipulated in the United Nations’ Montreal Protocol.
• Manufacturing food containers with a middle layer made from recycled post-consumption PET.


AJOVER – DARNEL está comprometida com o desenvolvimento sustentável. utilizando e desenvolvendo tecnologias que protegem o meio ambiente. Nossos padrões internos excedem os requisitos legais

AJOVER-DARNEL está comprometida com o desenvolvimento sustentável, utilizando e desenvolvendo tecnologias que protegem o meio ambiente. Nossos padrões internos excedem os requisito legais dos países onde nossas fábricas estão localizadas e sempre procuramos otimizar o uso de recursos naturais e energéticos para a produção de nossos produtos. 

Graças a esta filosofía, conseguimos minimizar a pegada de carbono no planeta por meio de:

  • Desenvolvimento dos produtos com materiais 100% recicláveis. 
  • Implementação de tecnologia que nos permitiu ter economias em consumo de energia de quase 80% nos últimos anos. 
  • Preservação do ambiente de nossas instalações plantando milhares de árvores em torno de nossas plantas de produção. 
  • Proteção a agua através do desenvolvimento de tecnologias que nos permitam lidar adequadamente com resíduos industriais e águas residuais através de processos de recirculação e reciclagem de água em nossas plantas. 
  • Proteção ao ar graças aos nossos produtos espumados estarem certificados como livres de clorofluoro-carbono, de acordo com o Protocolo de Montreal das Nações Unidas. 
  • Fabricação de embalagens para alimentos com uma camada intermediária que inclui PET reciclado pós-consumo.


AJOVER-DARNEL está comprometido con un desarrollo sostenible, utilizando y desarrollando tecnologías que protegen el medio ambiente. Nuestros estándares internos exceden los requerimientos legales de los países en donde están ubicadas nuestras plantas y buscamos siempre optimizar el uso de recursos naturales y energéticos para la elaboración de nuestros productos.

AJOVER-DARNEL está comprometido con un desarrollo sostenible, utilizando y desarrollando tecnologías que protegen el medio ambiente. Nuestros estándares internos exceden los requerimientos legales de los países en donde están ubicadas nuestras plantas y buscamos siempre optimizar el uso de recursos naturales y energéticos para la elaboración de nuestros productos.

Gracias a esta filosofía hemos logrado minimizar la huella de carbono en el planeta por medio de:

• Desarrollar productos con materiales 100% reciclables.
• Implementar tecnología que nos ha permitido tener ahorros en el consumo de energía de casi un 80% durante los últimos años.
• Conservar el entorno de nuestras instalaciones mediante la siembre de miles de manglares y árboles alrededor de nuestras plantas de producción.
• Proteger el agua mediante el desarrollo de tecnologías que nos permiten manejar apropiadamente los desperdicios industriales y las aguas residuales gracias a procesos de recirculación y reciclaje de agua en nuestras plantas.
• Proteger el aire gracias a que nuestros productos espumados están certificados como libres de cloro-fluoro carbonados, según las normas del Protocolo de Montreal de las Naciones Unidas.
• Fabricar empaques para alimentos cuya capa intermedia incluya PET pos-consumo reciclado.


As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, Ajover-Darnel created a program to contribute to the wellbeing of more than 1,300 full-time and part-time employees. The program seeks to match any voluntary donations our employees make to the Pasacaballos Fund. Pasacaballos is a community located near Cartagena, Colombia, where 80% of our employees of our Cartagena plant come from.

For each peso contributed voluntarily by one of our employees, Ajover-Darnel contributes another peso. These resources are then used for social and infrastructure projects for the Pasacaballos community.


The program has focused so far in furthering Pasacaballos and employee education. The Pasacaballos Fund has granted high school and university scholarships through the Mamonal Foundation and based on academic performance granted financial aid and time off work to pursue their studies.


Many in Pasacaballos have grown up with the notion that there is no further education beyond high school. This is why Ajover-Darnel strives to provide them with tools to empower them and allow them to take control of their future and reach their objectives. At Ajover-Darnel we work to expand the market for our high quality products around the world, investing each day in what we consider to be our company’s most valuable asset: our people.


In tune with its objective of expanding to offer better services and products to its customers, Ajover-Darnel has made a substantial investment to build a new 200,000 square meters factory in the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil.

This new plant will complement our packaging products factory in Curitiba, which was acquired in 2012, and the already existing distribution centers located in Porto Alegre, Londrina, Belo Horizonte, and Goiânia.

Our investment in Brazil provides a platform to meet the growing demand for plastic products in the region, particularly heat-resistant plastic film solutions, and plastic packaging and containers for the food industry, including trays, boxes, and tableware.

So far, our Brazil operations have created 300 direct and indirect jobs, and our new investment will create 500 additional jobs in the next five years.


For the past years, Ajover-Darnel, through its DARNEL brand, has led a campaign called “Somos Útiles” [a play on words in Spanish meaning “we are useful” and “we are school supplies”] that aims to make consumers aware of the importance of recycling disposable products, including EPS (Expanded Polystyrene).

The purpose of our campaign is to collect the greatest amount of disposable material in places that produce large amounts of waste and transform it, through an industrial process, into school supplies. To achieve our objective, Ajover-Darnel joined forces with different Colombian foundations and companies, such as Fundación Corazón Verde, Olímpica, and Piscilago – Colsubsidio. Recycling centers were placed in different locations in the city and in malls. At these centers, Darnel educated foodservice employees and customer on the importance of recycling and the possibility to give our disposable products a second life.

EPS and hard plastic foodservice packaging was collected and then used to produce rulers and other school supplies. These supplies were then handed out to thousands of children in less privileged neighborhoods. By making recycling about helping children and the less privileged Darnel was able to change consumer habits and teach consumers about the environment. This program was so successful it has now become an ongoing effort.

The campaign showed all our products are recyclable and that if recovered correctly and then given a second life when, transformed into useful products.

Ajover-Darnel is committed to working with our customers and any groups that may have similar initiatives that seek to protect our environment.


In its efforts to constantly innovate, Darnel, an Ajover-Darnel brand, has developed the Darnel Naturals Pulp Containers and Plates line. The Darnel Naturals line is manufactured using biodegradable and compostable pulp, making it 100% recyclable.

Darnel Naturals offers products that are grease and fridge-resistant and microwavable. This innovative product adds on to Darnel’s product portfolio, which is known for being environmentally compliant, recyclable and product life cycle efficient.


This line has been welcome by restaurants and franchises looking for environmental and social options and tools to transmit an overall message of corporate social responsibility to their customers.